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No one is an island. We all need a support system of people and resources. Like many mental health clinics, Stonehouse Counseling has a waitlist for care with our mental health providers. We recommend people on our waitlist and clients receiving care reach out to other resources in order to build a healthy support system.  Below are resources that we hope will be helpful to you.  


211 is a free and confidential service that connects you with thousands of local programs and services. Simply dial 211 on your phone to reach a friendly, trained community resource specialists available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.



988 Lifeline Chat and Text connects you with caring crisis counselors for emotional support.



When you have questions about health and social services, figuring out where to go when you need help can be overwhelming. Well Badger Resource Center is your one stop connection to community, social, health, and government programs - a place to find what you need, when you need it.



1 (800) 642-7837

NAMI: National Alliance for Mental Illness-WI

NAMI Wisconsin is an organization of families, friends and individuals whose lives have been affected by mental illness. Together, we advocate for better support, resources and recovery for all.



(608) 268-6000

The Trevor Project

Here you can reach out to a counselor if you’re struggling, find answers and information, and get the tools you need to help someone else.



(212) 695-8650

RAINN: National Sexual Abuse Hotline

RAINN is the nation's largest anti-sexual violence organization. RAINN created and operates the National Sexual Assault Hotline in partnership with more than 1,000 local sexual assault service providers across the country. 






Family & Childrens Center in Viroqua: Domestic Abuse Project

This free service provides a trained, experienced advocate for individuals experiencing domestic violence. Participants are able to spend time in a safe, healing environment around professional staff that assure victims that abuse is not their fault and that they are not alone. By developing individual safety plans, participants are able to find safe shelter, on-going support, available legal action, and assistance from other community resources. This program also works to prevent future domestic violence by working diligently within the community.



(608) 668-2312

ADRC: Aging and Disability Resource Center

The Aging and Disability Resource Center of Vernon County is the first place to go for accurate, unbiased information on aspects of life related to aging or living with a disability. The Aging and Disability Resource Center of Vernon County provides information on a broad range of programs and services, helps people understand the various long term care options available to them, helps people apply for programs and benefits, and serves as the access point for publicly funded long-term care. These services can be provided at the Aging and Disability Resource Center of Vernon County, via telephone, or through a home visit, whichever is more convenient to the individual seeking help.



(608) 637-5201

Covering Wisconsin

Covering Wisconsin is a program of the University of Madison-Wisconsin Division of Extension. We help connect Wisconsin residents with health insurance and other programs that support health.


(608) 261-1455 or (877) 942-6837

Learn About If You Qualify for State Health Insurance or Other Programs

ACCESS connects you with the help you need when you need it. You can apply for and manage your state of Wisconsin benefits and programs in one place, at any time. 



(800) 362-3002

Your Local Library 

McIntosh Memorial Library is an inspiring beacon of lifelong learning, bringing knowledge alive, sparking imagination and creating possibility for a vibrant and creative Viroqua.



(608) 637-7151

UpliftWI: Division of Care and Treatment Services

UpliftWI is Wisconsin's peer run warm-line operated by Mental Health America of Wisconsin and is open to all residents. It is a non emergency source of support for people experiencing increased symptoms of stress or symptoms from mental health and substance use concerns. 



(534) 202-5438

Wisconsin Office of Children's Mental Health

Wisconsin Office of Children's Mental Health offers resources for what you can do while your child is on a waitlist to be seen by a Therapist. 



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